ECS Magazine news--Space Cake Amsterdam Book Launch
Space Cake, Amsterdam, and Other Poems Nepal
Tourism Board
September 2, 2009
The prelaunch of 'Space Cake, Amsterdam, and Other Poems from Europe and America' was held on the 2nd of September in the Lecture Hall of Nepal Tourism Board. Yuyutsu RD Sharma, an eminent poet and translator, who delivered a few of his favorite poems and shared some personal experiences of his travel. Poems titled 'At 40 you die', 'Temple London' and 'Space Cake, Amsterdam' were discussed among others. Sharma shared the feeling of euphoria and paranoia he'd experienced. A 'space cake,' (common in regions with liberal drug policies), are bakery products containing a form of cannabis usually hash or marijuana. Edited by Michael Annis, the book contains poems that celebrate the political and social aspects of life. Sharma also shared with the audience how he was boisterously travelling about spreading poetry, passion and knowledge about the Himalayas. Although it is already published by Howling Dog Press, (Colorado, U.S.A), 'Space Cake, Amsterdam, and Other Poems from Europe and America' is being published by Nirala Publications (New Delhi) too and is already available in Kathmandu's White Lotus Book Shop.
Tourism Board
September 2, 2009
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